Mama, We’re In This Together!

Sciatica sucks! Along with piriformis syndrome, my days, weeks, and months have been pain-filled, and I’ve not been able to do many regular activities that require mobility. Cooking? Cleaning? What’s that?

BUT GOD!! 🙌🏽 A sweet sister friend from my church spent two days this week helping me reset my home in preparation for the start of our upcoming homeschool year! She brought her four kids over, and we got things done. She was my hands and feet—and for that, I am forever grateful!

When the Bible talks about the one anothers*, this is an example of that. This is also an example of how to love your neighbor, the means of grace God gives us through community, and how to be a supportive friend. This is what a dope motherhood tribe looks like.

We were not designed or created to do life alone. And as mamas, we tend to hermit up real quick sometimes and then wonder why everything is so hard. (It may sting a little, but it’s true.) It’s weird for me not to do the helping and to be in great need. It’s truly humbling!

BUT we shouldn’t suffer in silence. It’s ok to ask for help. It’s ok not to have it all together. It’s ok not to know all the answers. You’re doing your best. We are in this together! 💕

*If you want to know what The One Anothers of Scripture are, this blog lists them out in a simple, concise way. Please note that I am in no way affiliated with the organization that wrote this resource.

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